
Keynotes with a friendly kick up the backside

Speaks & moderation

Does your organization, department, management team or Board need inspiration? On leadership, change management, strategy, business development, innovation, sales and internationalization?

Or maybe you consider holding a workshop to move on with your challenges and business?


Or you have an event or conference where you need a safe anchorwoman?


Then you've come to the right place.


Every year I give many speaks – physically as well as online. And I manage with certainty both workshops, conferences and events.

Want to know more about speaks and moderation?

Choose an inspiring and constructive speak here

We can do exactly what suits your situation and needs

Energy Boosters

Get a safe and well-prepared speak of 45-60 minutes.

The speak is, of course, always up-to-date including future trends

Specially adapted to you

The speak is customized to meet your company's specific situation.

Duration: 2-3 hours including exercises and materials.

Let's work together

Roll up your sleeves and let's work together.

I will be facilitating a workshop customized to you - making sure we reach the finish line.

In addition: travel expenses and 25 % VAT when invoicing in Denmark.

Energy Boosters for you


I'm "on",
so I'm alive!

Coaching in leadership:
Gift from heaven og hell on earth?


Really bad meetings
(and how to fix them)

No empty promises and quick fixes - here's what customers say

Food for thought

A few times I thought about stopping all the questions, but I thought it was really good. Gave food for thought and reflection in our own careers, which the dialogue proved. High praise from our department.

Peder Elgaard
JCI Aarhus International

Relevant, inspiring and strongly delivered

Thank you for a very relevant and inspiring keynote yesterday. It was well structured, you delivered it excellent with great nerve and you were really good in the dialogue with the participants. Thanks for that!

Karina Boldsen, Owner and CEO of Karina+ and ArosBoard

Engaged communication at eye level

I have been fortunate to make use of Jette's vast knowledge in our entrepreneurship courses. Jette is committed and knowledgeable - provides many good examples and delivers with nerve and empathy. Furthermore, she communicates down-to-earth; many others could learn from that! I give Jette my best recommendations.

Stephen Bihl
Business Fredericia